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Instrumental Music
Welcome to the Clifton Public School's Visual and Performing Arts Instrumental Music page.
Band Parents must call Jason Leshowitz, Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts, at 973-594-4199 to set up an appointment (date and time) to pick up their reserved instrument.
String Parents - String students will receive their instruments form their string teacher at their first lesson, which would take place in mid to late September.
Please contact Jason Leshowitz at (973) 594-4199 if you have any questions or concerns.
Criteria for Orchestra and Band Participation
All students participating in the instrumental program must attend the scheduled concerts. Attendance at these concerts is a part of their grade and therefore mandatory. An unexcused absence from any scheduled concert will result in removal from the instrumental music program. An unexcused absence is defined as an absence without a doctor’s note. Each year, students will be asked to meet certain criteria in order to perform in the concert. This criterion is meant to help your child excel as a member of the orchestra or band and will enhance your child’s musical experience. Performing is a skill that must be practiced, however, if a student is not competent on his/her instrument, he/she will not experience the benefits of the performance. Behavior and personal preparation is also an important part of the performance. A student is considered competent and personally prepared when he/she:
- Can read musical notation without the use of written in note names and/or finger numbers
- For violin/viola students: a shoulder rest must be used that fits the students’ frame.
- Can accurately distinguish different rhythms and meters and be able to play them in sync with other orchestra/band members
- Can follow the conductor’s baton in the appropriate tempo
- Does not display any disruptive behavior during rehearsals
- For girls, nails must be trimmed to the base of the finger and not extend beyond it. NO press on nails and/or nail extensions will be allowed.
- ABSOLUTELY NO GUM chewing is allowed during rehearsal or at musical lessons
We seek parental support in encouraging your child to practice their instruments daily. Students will only be able to meet the criteria if they continue to practice. Playing in an ensemble is a rewarding experience, but students must put in the time and effort to be successful.Attire
Concert Attire for grades 4‐8 is as follows:
Elementary grades: both girls and boys alike should wear dark pants (preferably black) with a white shirt or blouse. Students should wear dark sneakers or shoes. Middle school grades: both girls and boys alike should wear black dress pants. No leggings,
jeggings, or jeans are allowed. Either official school shirts or white shirts are required depending on the middle school. Specialty ensembles must wear the outfits as instructed by their directors. Black dress shoes/casual shoes are required. No sneakers. No sandals or open-toed shoes. Please speak to the music teachers directly if there is a personal need.
Supervisor, Visual & Performing Arts
Jason Leshowitz