• What is Positive Behavior Support In Schools (PBSIS)?


    Clifton Public Schools has partnered with the state network New Jersey Positive Behavior Support In Schools (NJ PBSIS), known nationally as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This alliance provides training and technical assistance on the multi-tiered PBIS framework at no cost to the school district. NJ PBSIS is a collaboration between the New Jersey Department of Education Office of Special Education and The Boggs Center, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, funded by I.D.E.A Part B. 

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social-emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also enhances teachers' health and well-being. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable, and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.


    Five Driving  Elements of Systems and Practices

    PBSIS emphasizes five interrelated elements: equity, systems, data, practices, and outcomes.



    Full implementation of the PBSIS framework with fidelity aligns with Clifton School Districts’ goals and objectives. Leadership teams work with school and community members to promote high expectations for all students. We support educators’ roles in implementing this framework, adapting practices to meet students' individual needs, and disaggregating data through a student group to ensure success for all.



    The foundational systems establish the way our schools and programs operate. These foundational systems include teaming structures, training, coaching, and other support for educators. In PBSIS, these systems support accurate, sustainable implementation of practices and the effective use of data to achieve better outcomes.



    Within the PBSIS framework, our teams use data to select, monitor and evaluate outcomes, practices, and systems across all three tiers.



    The school and classroom practices implemented are critical to supporting students and creating a positive school climate. In PBIS, these interventions and strategies are backed by research and target the outcomes identified by Clifton Public Schools Stakeholders.



    The ultimate goal of implementing PBSIS data, systems, and practices is to improve educational outcomes. Families, students, and educators set goals and work together to achieve them. In PBSIS, outcomes might include behavioral, social, emotional, and academic growth, in addition to improved school climate and decreased office conduct referrals.