Athletic Forms


    In order to participate in a sport at CHS (including ROTC & Band), every student must complete:

    Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form - ENGLISH

    Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form - SPANISH

    • This form must be printed and brought to your physician to be completed during your physical exam
    • This form must be signed and dated in every indicated physician's signature location
    • Make sure cardiac module is signed and dated
    • Physician's office stamp must be on the form
    • Page ONE of the form must be signed/dated by both the parent & student
    • On page ONE, any question marked "YES", must be explained on the line provided.


    • Parents must create an account to register (make sure you use a personal email account, NOT a student's Clifton school account).
    • All tabs must be completed in order to submit
    • Once cleared by the CHS athletic trainers, parents will receive an email with clearance status

    A concussion test is required for all freshman, juniors, and 1st-year participants of the following sports:
    Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Indoor Track (jumpers Only) and Ice Hockey.

    Concussion Testing will be scheduled by each team. Please check your emails, each Coach will be forwarding the date and time of each test.

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