About the Mustang Academy Program

  • Student Incentive and Recognition System

    Our student incentive system is made up of 3 levels of recognition.

    • Mustang GTs - small, goldenrod tickets
    • PROPS - long, yellow tickets
    • Shout Outs - white form

    Mustang GTs

    Teachers/staff members issue students Mustang GTs for targeted goals and other recognition.

    • Teams have established a trade-in system.
    • Teams will evaluate their trade-in systems throughout the course of the year and will make necessary changes.
    • Teams individually have determined where and when they will have students trade-in tickets.
    • Teachers will submit all collected Mustang GTs to the Universal Team at the end of the month.

    Items that will be included on every team’s Trade-in Menu

    Participation in Mustang Academy Raffles (you can only win once per drawing)- 1 GT

    • Small Snack Bag- 5 GTs
    • Small School Supplies Kit- 5 GTs
    • Large Snack Bag- 10 GTs
    • Large School Supplies Kit- 10 GTs
    • School Survival Kit- 15 GTs
    • Free ID and Lanyard- 15 GTs
    • Pomptonian Coupon ($3.00 at the snack line in the Cafeteria)- 15 GTs
    • Paid Admission to Specific School Activities- 25 GTs
    • Mustang Academy T-Shirt- 35 GTs
    • Mustang Academy Activity (Each event will have a limited number of participants)- 35 GTs


    • Teachers/staff members recognize students by giving them “PROPS”
    • Teachers/staff members will announce students who receive PROPS.
    • Students should submit their PROPS by putting them in their team bin (sorted by English teacher) in the East Wing Guidance Office.
    • Receiving PROPS grants student eligibility for Mustang Academy-level activities/rewards (examples include pizza parties, teacher-student events/games, in-school movies, school spirit wear).
    • There will be at least one reward activity or prize per marking period.

    Shout Outs

    • Teachers/staff members will submit a Shout Out Form to student school guidance counselors.
    • Counselors will send a letter home to the student’s parent/guardian, recognizing the Teacher Shout Out. This letter will also be added to the student’s file.
    • The student will have his/her name written on a “Mustang” that will be posted in the East Wing hallways.
    • Mustang Academy Staff will hand out Shout Out Forms to students to publicly recognize them for what they have done.